Contact Details
The Karl Brunner Institute Department of Economics
Alleeweg 10, CH-3006 Bern, Switzerland Elizabeth Fry Bdg (AD)
+41 794486806 University of Surrey Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH United Kingdom
Areas of Interests
- International Money and Finance
- Monetary Economics, Macroeconomics
“There are men regarded today as brilliant economists, who deprecate national savings and recommend squandering on a national scale as the way of economic salvation; and when anyone points to what the consequences of these policies will be in the long run, they reply flippantly, as might the prodigal son of a warning father: “In the long run we are all dead.” And such shallow wisecracks pass as devastating epigrams and the ripest wisdom.”
Henry Hazlitt “Economics in One Lesson”
“One definition of an economist is somebody who sees something happen in practice and wonders if it will work in theory.”
Ronald Reagan (via Mike Wickens)