8-th Hydra Workshop on Dynamic Macroeconomics - Limassol, Cyprus, 14 – 16 October, 2010


Program (PDF)
Social Program (PDF)

Day 1 (Thursday, October 14)

20:00: Reception – Light dinner

Day 2 (Friday, October 15)

Chair: Samuel Reynard (Swiss National Bank)

Crises in Repo Markets with Adverse Selection [download]
Harald Uhlig (University of Chicago, CentER, NBER and CEPR)

Discussant: Alex Michaelides (University of Cyprus)

10:30-10:50: Coffee break

Financial Intermediation and Credit Policy in a Business Cycle Analysis [download]
Mark Gertler (New York University, NBER)
Nobu Kiyotaki* (Princeton University)

Discussant: Harris Dellas (University of Bern)

A DSGE Model of the Term Structure with Regime Shifts [download]
Gianni Amisano (ECB)
Oreste Tristani* (ECB)

Discussant: Benoit Mojon (Bank of France)

13:00-14:00: Lunch

Chair: TBA

Financial Markets and Fluctuations in Uncertainty [download]
Cristina Arellano (Univ. of Minnesota)
Yan Bai (Arizona State University)
Patrick Kehoe* (Princeton University, Univ. of Minnesota, FRB Minneapolis)

Discussant: Fabrice Collard (University of Adelaide)

Liquidity Constraints of the Middle Class [download]
Jeff Campbell (FRBank Chicago)
Zvi Hercowitz* (Tel Aviv University)

Discussant: Daniele Terlizzese (EIEF and Bank of Italy)

Day 3 (Saturday, October 16)

Chair: TBA

Policy at the Zero Bound [download]
Pedro Teles (Bank of Portugal and Catholic University of Portugal)

Discussant: Pierpaolo Benigno (LUISS)

11:00-11:20: Coffee break

Are Recessions Good for Young People? [download]
Jonathan Heathcote (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and CEPR)
Dirk Krueger* (University of Pennsylvania, CEPR and NBER)
Jose-Victor Rios-Rull (University of Minnesota, FRB Minneapolis, CAERP)

Discussant: David Andolfato (Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis)

Comparative Statics in Markets for Indivisible Goods [download]
Andrew Caplin (New York University, NBER)
John Leahy* (New York University, NBER)

Discussant: Behzad Diba (Georgetown University)

* = presenting

Harris Dellas (University of Bern)

Central Bank of Cyprus

Central Bank of Cyprus
European Central Bank
Swiss National Bank
University of Bern

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